What are challenger brands and why do they matter?
More than 20 years ago, Adam Morgan first coined the term ‘challenger brand’ in his book Eating the Big Fish. He described […]
How Amazon managed to dominate industries through a challenger-mindset brand culture
Amazon is a prime (excuse the pun) example of a start-up disruptor brand that evolved into a dominant market leader across numerous […]
5 reasons creating a brand is crucial for business success
Building a coherent and authentic brand isn’t just a marketing exercise—it’s one of the most powerful levers for long-term business growth. Here […]
What is brand culture and why is it essential to business growth?
Brand culture is much more than a buzzword—it’s the corporate culture that shapes how your business operates, from the inside out.
3 components you need to create a powerful brand
Creating a strong, successful brand offers far-reaching benefits; it attracts repeat, loyal customers, builds recognition and helps achieve key business goals. What […]
Your brand needs to be a Superhero
In case you hadn’t noticed, superheroes are all the rage right now. When they’re not flying onto big screens, they’re shooting off […]
10 things Mad Men taught me about business
Things I learnt never to do from on Draper
How businesses in the same industry are all making money
Ever wondered how two of the same products or services with the same features and the same price could both make money? It’s […]
Your brand ambassadors are in the building
Nike uses Roger Federer, the United Nations uses Angelina Jolie and Tag Heuer uses Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt and Shahrukh Khan. In […]
How to use emotional intelligence to better yourself and your company
Emotions often lead to decision-making. Being Emotionally Intelligent allows you to have control over your emotions, which reduce impulsive and spontaneous decisions. […]
8 tips to better Instagram stories
Instagram has grown dramatically over the last few years and has become a powerful channel for brand promotion. Instagram Stories have been […]
Show us the love
Are you being the best client that you can be? Are you building and nurturing good relationships with the people in your […]